Du betrachtest gerade Rougue Booty – Golden Angel

Rougue Booty – Golden Angel

Part of Pirates ,Passion & Plunder

I am reviewing Rogue Booty by Golden Angel.


Blythe teams up with Captain Jake and his brother Mack to sail to Antigua. Jake and Mack have their own mission in Antigua but on the ship they decide to have another mission: Stripping Blythe.
The author was able to convey a full story in this short read, well written and thrilling, because its timeless for your fantasies.The erotic moments are well embedded in the story and the language isn`t foul-mouthed. So its a nice pant – melting read.
I love stories about pirates. You don’t have to think about facts, you can let your imagination run wild. The protagonists are sexy. Blythe is a great woman with her own mind and defense and I won’t say no if Jake and Mack sail the North Sea (where I live) and kidnap me :).

Well done, Golden Angel.