Man in Black: Black Knights Inc: Reloaded (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
Englisch Ausgabe von Julie Ann Walker (Autor) Format: Kindle Ausgabe A story as old as time… He comes from nothing, and she was born with a silver spoon. Do opposites…
Englisch Ausgabe von Julie Ann Walker (Autor) Format: Kindle Ausgabe A story as old as time… He comes from nothing, and she was born with a silver spoon. Do opposites…
Samuel Harwood has spent his entire career working in the black and gray areas of international intrigue. Living in the shadows for so long has made him forget who he…
Englisch Ausgabe von Julie Ann Walker A secret identity mixed in with forced proximity on top of red-hot chemistry? What could go wrong?The Black Knights are back and better than…
Dalton “Doc” Simmons is having one helluva week. First, archaic laws have kept him and his partners at Deep Six Salvage from recovering the sunken treasure they’ve been after since…
Former Navy SEAL Spiro “Romeo” Delgado is six-plus feet of high-octane charm, and he has two hard and fast rules. One, always come to the rescue of those in need.…
#deepsix #julieannwalker #deeperthantheocean The adventure of the Deep Six crew is into the next round. Unfortunately, the circumstances are quite dark and hopeless, the financial resources are dwindling and the…
#NetGalley #RidetheTide A new adventure of the Deep - Six Crew. Evil people are out to kill Mason.So the Santa Catharina must still wait on the seabed. Mason is a…
#BlackKnightsIncFüralleEwigkeit #NetGalleyDE Als eine schiefgelaufene Mission Jamin "Angel" Agassi dazu zwingt, seine Identität zu ändern, hat er nur noch ein Ziel: den schlimmsten und berüchtigtsten Verbrecherboss ein für alle Mal…
#rezensionsexemplar # netgalley Im zweiten Teil der Deep-Six – Serie lernen wir Bran etwas besser kennen. Er ist ziemlich heiß. Das findet Maddy auch, nur leider haben sie sich schon…
Buch Nummer 200 /2019 most wanted, waited, loved for. What appears to be a tricked-out motorcycle shop on the South Side of Chicago is actually headquarters for the world's most…