Du betrachtest gerade Mountain Darkness – Vanessa Vale

Mountain Darkness – Vanessa Vale

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Wild Mountain Men – Book 1

If you liked Bridgewater County, you don’t want to miss the wild mountain men of Cutthroat, Montana!

We wanted forever with Kit Lancaster. Instead of getting her between us, she left town, bolted like a horse from a barn on fire. A year later, she’s back and she’s going to be ours. To have, to hold and to f-ing keep. Forever.

What could get in the way? Oh yeah, a little thing called murder.


I love the books from Vanessa Vale,its steamy hot Insta Love. And you have often Days in your life when you need a little hot distraction. In this case in the form of Nixon and Donovan. The style of writing it so typical it has a good recognition value. Steamy hot Protas in a nice crime scene. Yes that made my rainy day a little better.

The story is well written and theres a cliffhanger at the end….