Du betrachtest gerade Fast & Hard – Kate Ransom

Fast & Hard – Kate Ransom

In the world of Formula 1, it’s every man for himself. Corruption runs deep in the playground for billionaires and the world’s most elite athletes. The stakes are high, everything is on the line, and sparks will fly when the lights go out.

Lennox Gibbes is a disgraced Formula 1 World Champion, the Paddock Playboy.
A tattooed bad boy with a reputation, he has a penchant for supermodels and supercars. His arrest records and frontpage headlines on gossip magazines precede his on-track accomplishments.
It was my job to clean up the mess he made.

But when I ran away from my problems in New York, I found all new ones on the F1 track.
Six foot tall, muscle-bound, alpha racing driver problems that will stop at nothing to get me to quit.
Secrets I was not supposed to know.

Oh, and that sultry Scottish accent?
Definitely not falling for it.

I was his PR professional. I wasn’t supposed to be his nanny.
He has a smart mouth and a bad attitude, but I need this job. He has his demons on track and I have mine off.

I have news for Lennox Gibbes, he’s messed with the wrong woman this time.
I know what I want, and I’m here to take it.

Too bad in F1, nothing is what it seems.

My Opinion:

I started the first pages… and was gone. For hours. I don’t know how Kate Ransom does her magic you instantly fall into the story and in love with the characters.

I was hooked on this book from the first chapter and my interest never waned.

The language is fantastic and the story is super exciting. The writing style shows crystal clear the feelings of the characters and it was really hard in this book that Lennox and Mallroy had to go through a lot of shit in this one. I love Formula One and I adore that a series is finally playing there.

I really liked the contrast between the fast races and the stressful life on the track and the wonderful moments in Scotland.

Can I have some more, please?