This one is a second chance story. Cole and Emily have been in love six years ago. No chance to stay together. A new job brings Emily into F1, and back to Cole.
Cole is a strong character, he fights on the F1 track and for the love of his life. Emily had no chance six years ago but now she starts learning to fight for the love of her life.
This story is well written and about a theme I ve always been a fan of : Formula 1.
It’s about love and family and the fact that sometimes friends are your true family.
I enjoyed this book very much, it is well written and the story is told lively and exciting.
The love is as high-speed as the Formula 1 Tracks and the intrigue made me suffer with the characters.
Oh, yeah I wave the checkered flag and throw five winning points on the podium.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.