Du betrachtest gerade Edge Of Fear (Arrow’s Edge MC Book 4) – Freya Barker

Edge Of Fear (Arrow’s Edge MC Book 4) – Freya Barker

Ink and sawdust meets brisket and moxie.

I’m a tattooed casualty.
A charmer, a fraud, a skeptic, and a carpenter.

My name is Tse.
I’m cocky enough to believe my own lies, but too oblivious to see the truth is already out there.

I’m a cautious perfectionist.
A sister, a scrapper, a dreamer, and a workhorse.

My name is Sophia.
I’m capable enough to plan ahead, yet too powerless to avoid getting blindsided.

We’re complete opposites—one who plays it safe, the other a thrill-seeker—but when old sins resurface bringing violence to the present, our path forward becomes clear.

Edge of Fear is the fourth book in the Arrow’s Edge MC series and there are three strings to follow. First the connecting with Sophia and Tse. Its heartwarming how quiet and meaningful they approach to each other . Very mature and with a lot of respect to each other. Tse has a lot of scars on his body and in his heart, but he fights his feelings down to save Sophia. Sophia had a relationship that had been assaulting, and she left all of her former live behind by moving to Durango.
The second string is about Ravi a teen who is with the Arrows MC Club . He , as a side character, brings a lot of insecurity with him. The same insecurity Tse suffers from. Its intense how emotional Freya Barker writes about these topics.
The third string is about the suspense plot and its great how the author describes all scenes. Nail biting exciting….
I’ve read all books of this author and its always such a great feeling of homecoming to Durango. At the crime scenes you surly meet the staff of Durango FBI ( Rock Point Series ) and some characters from the ” On Call “Series. I love the overlaps between the series and the fact they all interact in a good way.

Every word finds his way into the heart of the reader and I love Freya’s style of writing so much. Her characters aren’t easy, they had a lot of garbage in their lives and hearts but she always manages to give the reader a feeling of hope.
I loved Tse’s emotional packed journey and how he can speak about his fears with Sophia. Her characters are real and the crime is very present in this book. I swallowed it down in one day yearning for more…
Freya Barker is one of my favorite Authors 🙂